Department of Microbiology


The Radha Govind University was established in 2018. The university is in the lap of Ramgarhcantt valley, Jharkhand. The Department of Microbiology was inaugurated in 2019. Department aims to provide quality teaching and training of the subject Microbiology as well as relevant courses governed by the university. The department is routinely involved in testing the culture and sensitivity of non-clinical samples for the research and teaching purposes and soon going to work on clinical sample as well. The student of microbiology department are dynamic group, organizing and participating in various activities of the department such as field trip, Monthly work presentation, Annual Sports Day and internships


To contribute to nation building by transforming people through quality education, creating knowledge, to make invisible world more visible and inculcate scientific temper and provide platform research.


  • To create an ideal department keeping students at the centre of its aspirations and endeavours while manifesting wholehearted commitment.
  • To encourage research by providing state of the art facility and with committed standards.
  • To cultivate healthy and hygienic environment, to be good citizen of future India and no to extinction of Mankind.
  • Competence, discipline, dedication and contribution to society.


PEO1: Have a successful career in Microbiology and related disciplines.

PEO2: Excel in research career in microbiology and inter-disciplinary fields and actively contribute to science and society.

PEO3: Possess technical and professional competency to address growing demands of society and industrial needs ethically.

PEO4:Demonstrate life-long independent and reflective skills in their career.

PEO5:Apply research and entrepreneurial skills augmented with a rich set of communication, teamwork and leadership skills to excel in their profession

PEO6:Enhance analytical and quantitative skills and demonstrate an understanding of basic computational and statistical techniques in the field of microbiology.


The students of B.Sc. Microbiology should be able to:

PSO1 : To emphasize the distribution, morphology and physiology of microorganisms and demonstrate the skills in aseptic handling of microbes including isolation, identification and maintenance.

PSO2 : Demonstrate the ability to identify significant microbiological research questions, develop research protocols, and analyse research outcomes as per the scientific methods to improve the employment skills.

PSO3 : Enhance analytical and quantitative skills and demonstrate an understanding of basic computational and statistical techniques in the field of microbiology.


PO1- Basic and applied knowledge: Gathers in-depth knowledge of basic and applied areas of microbiology.

PO2- Core microbiology laboratory skills: AUnderstands various methods of safe handling, culturing and storage of microorganisms in the laboratory.

PO3-Critical Thinking: Develops scientific logic and approaches a problem with critical reasoning

PO4- Effective Communication: Develops effective communication skills through oral presentations of ongoing developments in the field and the compiling of information in the form of reports.

PO5- Social Interaction: Elicit views of others, mediate disagreements and help reach conclusions in group settings

PO6- Advanced Usage of Technology: Apply advanced instrumentation tools, online resources with an understanding of the troubleshooting and limitations

PO7- Modern Microbiology usage: : Develop new technologies, protocols, resources, using modern microbiological techniques and therapeutics and apply it to solve complex human health problems and conserve biodiversity.

PO8- Global perspective:: Becomes acquainted with standard international practices and emerging technologies used to study microbes.

PO9- Ethics: Acquires an awareness of work ethics and ethical issues in scientific research as well as plagiarism policies.

PO10- Research related skills: Will develop ability to identify problems, give justifications for solutions by lab investigations & critical analysis by using appropriate research related biological skills.

PO11- Environment and Sustainability: Develops a basic understanding of the microbiological principles that that have environmental implications, and gains an awareness of regulatory requirements and their compliance in biotechnology and microbiological research.

PO12- Self-directed and Life-long Learning: Develops self-discipline, planning and organization skills, and time management skills.


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