Department of Geography


The Department of Geography,Radha Govind University, Ramgarh, established in the year 2018, offers undergraduate and postgraduate courses leading to the degrees of Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) and Master of Arts (M.A.) by papers or research, awarded by Radha Govind University, Ramgarh. In addition to the master’s programme, Ph.D. degree programmes are also conducted by the department. The experienced faculty of the department is devoted to research, which is given equal importance by the faculty. Research and teaching are given equal importance by the faculty. Extra care is taken to pay individual attention to the students in their laboratory work and lecture sessions. Project work and problem sessions are encouraged to develop an innovative and analytical approach to learning. Topical seminars by experts from research institutes, planning authorities are organised to create research awareness among students. Experts in different allied fields are also invited for interaction and curriculum development, whenever necessary.

On the very first visit, students fall in love with the campus environment. Its well laid garden and vast area, away from dense and noisy city, help create an atmosphere conducive to creative activities. Staff quarters, Girls’ and Boys’ Hostels and late evening research workers keep the campus alive even late in the evening and on holidays. The campus library houses books and journals in almost all the subjects. It is a rewarding experience for students to encounter a researcher from another faculty. Summing up, the campus offers an opportunity for the all-round development of personality.


To Create New Frontiers of Knowledge in Search for Development of the Humane and Society.


  • To around the academic for promotion of quality of teaching, learning and research.
  • To undertake quality related research studies, consultancy and training programmes.
  • To faster global competencies among students and to inculcate value system in them.


PEO1. This programme’s main focus is on producing professionally qualified geologists capable of resolving intricate geological problems, ensuring optimal utilization of earth resources, and actively contribute in managing the geohazards.

PEO2. The B.A programme aims at holistic development of the students through the innovative and comprehensive study

PEO3. Geography programme aims to provide an understanding of fundamental of Earth’s interior, dynamics and processes involved. These competencies are developed in the students by providing trough theoretical, practical and field.

PEO4.knowledge of the various exogenetic and endogenetic processes, as well as geomorphologic and geotectonic processes that lead to the production of earth's features.


PSO1: Role of Humans on the Planet - An understanding and acknowledgment of the threats that endanger the earth’s natural systems. This helps in further realization of the significance of anthropogenic causes of many of the disasters and threats that puts life on this planet on the edge. Enabling the students to understand that man and his ingenuity has given rise to resource and its utilization; which has sprung from man’s need for a better life. Hence the students of this course become conserve rationalists and support the principle of sustainable development with practices of reuse and recycling. Human role and his use of the planet are further discussed and analyzed by the Department through the organization of national seminars on ‘The Fragile Himalayas at Crossroads’ (2014) and ‘Landscapes on the Edge: Risks, Resilience and Restoration’ (2017).

PSO2: Scientific and Critical Thinking - – Development of knowledge, skills and holistic understanding of the discipline among students. Encouragement of scientific mode of thinking and scientific method of enquiry in students. This goal is achieved through the regular field excursions conducted by the Department to various parts of India extensively and the writing of a report/thesis on it.

PSO3: Interdisciplinary Research Skills Ability to undertake research in interdisciplinary studies and problems or issues beyond the realm of what strictly comes under the purview of geography. This is possible because of the varied nature of the curriculum that encompasses the study and analyses of concepts of sub-disciplines and allied disciplines of Geology, Seismology, Pedology, Hydrology, Environmental Studies, Disaster Management, Resource Management and Conservation, Regional Planning and Development Studies etc.


PO1 Student will gain the knowledge of physical geography. They will gather knowledge about the fundamental concepts of Geography and will have a general understanding about the geomorphologic and geotectonic process and formation. Imbibing knowledge, skills and holistic understanding of the Earth, atmosphere, oceans and the planet through analysis of landform development; crustal mobility and tectonics, climate change.

PO2 Associating landforms with structure and process; establishing man-environment relationships; and exploring the place and role of Geography vis-a-sis other social and earth sciences. Students can easily correlate the knowledge of physical geography with the human geography. They will analyse the problems of physical as well as cultural environments of both rural and urban areas. Moreover they will try to find out the possible measures to solve those problems.

PO3 Understanding the functioning of global economies, geopolitics, global geostrategic views and functioning of political systems.

PO4 Developing a sustainable approach towards the ecosystem and the biosphere with a view to conserve natural systems and maintain ecological balance.

PO5 The physical environment, human societies and local and/or global economic systems are integrated to the principles of sustainable development.

PO6 Inculcating a tolerant mindset and attitude towards the vast socio-cultural diversity of India by studying and discussing contemporary concepts of social and cultural geography. Explaining and analyzing the regional diversity of India through interpretation of natural and planning regions.

PO7 Analyzing the differential patterns of the human habitation of the Earth, through studies of human settlements and population dynamics. Understanding and accounting for regional disparities, poverty, unemployment and the impacts of globalization.

PO8 Understanding the history of the subject; over viewing ancient and contemporary geographical thought and its relationship with modern concepts of empiricism, positivism, radicalism, behaviourism, idealism etc.

PO9 Sensitization and awareness about the hazards and disasters to which the subcontinent is vulnerable; and their management.

PO10 As a student of the Course they will enrich their observation power through field experience and in future this will be helpful for identifying the socio- environmental problems of their community.

PO11 Training in practical techniques of mapping, cartography, software, interpretation of maps, photographs and images etc; so as to understand the spatial variation of phenomena on the Earth’s surface. They will learn how to prepare map based on GIS by using the modern geographical map making techniques.

PO12 Carry out surveying and learn the art of map making and prepare maps for the areas with the help of surveying techniques.


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