Department of Economics


Department of Economics is one of the oldest departments established simultaneously with Radha Govind University, Ramgarh in 2018. Since its inception, the Department has been offering undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Economics. It attracts the largest number of students at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels from the country. The Department has a long tradition of imparting quality education and conducting in-depth research. Many of its alumni hold prominent positions both in academics and administrative spheres across the country and - a small testimony, perhaps, to the excellence of training that we provide to our students.

The teaching programmes in the Department are focused on proper blending of 'quality' and 'relevance'. This is sought to be achieved by periodic updating of syllabi in conformity with the advancement of the knowledge in the subject with equal emphasis on theoretical and applied economics. Department introduces new courses from time to time and makes tutorials more effective by establishing close student-teacher contact. The research programmes give special attention to economic problems of the country. The thrust areas include the various fields of Development Economics, Economic Growth, International Economics, Financial Economics, Agricultural Economics, Environmental Economics, Industrial Economics, Health Economics, Monetary Economics, Labour Economics, History of Economic Thought, Public Finance, and Population Studies.


To develop outstanding economics and business analysis program that is recognized for excellence in policy making and research


  • To offer curriculum that provide critical thinking skill and enhance decision making abilities.
  • To enable learners to achieve their full potential and be recognized in the work place and community for their excellence, dedication and integrity.
  • To motivate students acquire passion for knowledge and ability to learn independently and communicate effectively.


A graduate in Economics will be able to:

PEO1. To interpret the information from economic perspective. Hence will be an effective economic analysis.

PEO2. To access economic situation and identify main economic problems and demonstrate an ability to offer alternative solution to problems. This will enhance critical thinking skills.

PEO3. To demonstrate their proficiency and skills necessary to attract the potential employers in the field of banking sector, insurance companies, marketing field and also in the field of teaching.

PEO4. To promotestudentsto pursueprofessional development and to create enthusiasm for life-longlearning.


On successful completion of the B.A. Economics program, the students are able to

PSO1 Have the Capability to demonstrate comprehensive knowledge and understanding on the basic concepts and theories that form a part of this programme.

PSO2 Have the Capacity to analyze andevaluate the current events from an economic perspective.

PSO3 Expand skills in practical application of economic theory.


Upon completion of the undergraduate program in Economics, students will develop the following knowledge, skills, and attitudes, which are essential for a comprehensive understanding of the subject:

PO1- Economic Knowledge: Demonstrate a solid understanding of fundamental economic principles, theories, concepts, and models across various subfields of economics, including microeconomics, macroeconomics, econometrics, international economics, and development economics.

PO2- Analytical Skills: Apply quantitative and qualitative analytical techniques to analyze economic problems, interpret data, and draw meaningful conclusions. Develop proficiency in using statistical tools, mathematical models, and economic theories to analyze real-world economic issues.

PO3- Research Skills: Conduct independent research, formulate research questions, design appropriate methodologies, collect and analyze data, and present findings in a clear and coherent manner. Acquire the ability to critically evaluate existing economic research and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field.

PO4- Economic Policy Analysis: Evaluate the impact of economic policies on various stakeholders, assess their effectiveness and efficiency, and propose alternative policy recommendations based on sound economic reasoning. Understand the role of economists in informing and shaping economic policies at the national and international levels.

PO5 Global Perspective: Recognize the interconnectedness of economies in the globalized world and understand the implications of international trade, finance, and economic integration. Analyze the causes and consequences of global economic imbalances and the challenges and opportunities arising from globalization.

PO6 Communication Skills: Communicateeconomic ideas, theories, and arguments effectively in written and oral forms to diverse audiences. Develop proficiency in presenting economic information, constructing logical arguments, and engaging in constructive discussions and debates.

PO7 Critical Thinking: Apply critical thinking skills to evaluate economic issues, identify underlying assumptions, challenge prevailing economic theories, and propose innovative solutions. Develop the ability to think independently, assess multiple perspectives, and make informed judgments based on evidence and logical reasoning.

PO8 Ethical Awareness: Recognize the ethical dimensions of economic decision-making and policy choices. Understand the impact of economic activities on society, the environment, and future generations, and develop a sense of social responsibility and ethical conduct in the field of economics.

PO9 Interdisciplinary Perspective: Integrate knowledge and perspectives from related disciplines such as sociology, political science, history, and environmental studies to understand the multidimensional nature of economic phenomena and their social, political, and environmental implications.

PO10 Lifelong Learning: Cultivate a passion for continuous learning and professional development in the field of economics. Develop the skills to adapt to changing economic circumstances, engage with new economic theories and methodologies, and stay informed about emerging economic trends and debates.

PO11 Career Growth: To equip undergraduate students with a comprehensive set of knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to pursue careers in academia, research, public policy, consulting, finance, international organizations, and other related fields.

PO12 Economic Modeling: Develop and utilize economic models to understand complex economic phenomena, predict outcomes, and make informed decisions based on economic analysis.


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