Department of Political-Science


The Political Science department at Radha Govind University ignites a passion for understanding the intricacies of power, governance, and international relations. We offer a stimulating academic environment that fosters critical thinking, analytical skills, and a nuanced perspective on the ever-changing political landscape.

Our curriculum caters to both undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) students, providing a strong foundation in political theory, comparative politics, international relations, and public policy.

For UG students, we offer the Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Political Science (Hons.) program. This program equips students with a comprehensive understanding of political systems, ideologies, and historical developments.

For PG students, we offer the Master of Arts (MA) in Political Science program. This program allows students to delve deeper into specific areas of interest, such as political economy, security studies, or political communication.

Our esteemed faculty, with their expertise in diverse political areas, guide students in their academic pursuits. We encourage active participation in seminars, discussions, and research projects, fostering a dynamic learning environment.Join the Political Science department at Radha Govind University and embark on a journey to become an informed and engaged citizen, ready to make a positive impact on the world


The department of political science endeavours to generate new knowledge and produce students who are trained in political science.


The department of political science strives to pursue academic excellence in teaching, research and extension in every perspective of the study


PEO1. To undertake teaching, research and extension programs in major branches of Political Science

PEO2.To impart training to the student in order to equip them academic and professional capability & develop among them analytical perspective.

PEO3. To encourage research in the social political issues at contribute to the discipline of Political Science

PEO4. TTo undertake extension activities in order to create free, just and humane society


PSO1 Communication and communicate the knowledge of political science.

PSO2 Develop new knowledge of political science in the field through critical Analysis, research and scholastic inquiry.

PSO3 Cultivate political values so as to boost democratic practices in the society or every aspect of the society science to serve society as a whole



PO1 Understanding politics.

PO2 Fosters critical thinking and analytical skills

PO3 Exercised at various levels, from local to international.

PO4 Awareness of current affairs.

PO5 Encourages a global perspective.

PO6 Civic engagement and advocacy.

PO7 Wide range of career paths.

PO8 Research, critical thinking, and communication, are highly sought.

PO9 Knowledge about their rights, liberties, and the functioning of democratic institutions.

PO10 It equips them with the knowledge and skills necessary to participate in political processes.

PO11 Understand the impact of politics on society

PO12 Political developments, policy debates, and global affairs


Description Link
BA Political Science Syllabus DOWNLOAD SYLLABUS
MA Political Science Syllabus DOWNLOAD SYLLABUS
BA Political Science NEP Syllabus DOWNLOAD SYLLABUS