Department of Education


The Department of Education at Radha Govind University to prepare students who would be leaders in their classrooms, effective practitioners in their particular field, and lifelong learners. The faculty of the Department is committed to enriching the lives of the students of the diverse national and international communities through collaborative, transformative approaches to educational research and research-led teaching.

The Department believes that high-quality student experience is eminent; it has been and always will be our topmost priority. Radha Govind University Department of Education boosts of its fully equipped labs and other facilities.The Department provides excellent, encouraging teacher education which empowers educators and researchers to improve the landscape of education.

The objectives of the Department of Education are to enable prospective teachers to:

  • Appreciate the historical legacy and cultural diversity of India and infer its implication for shaping the aims and processes of education.
  • Develop an understanding of individual variations.
  • Develop sensitivity towards children with special needs and competencies to provide differential intervention for inclusive education.
  • Strengthen the human and non-human environment for learning and promoting maximum pupil achievement.
  • Encourage the effective use of instructional technology to enhance learning.
  • Apply the principles and the knowledge of research to develop, implement and evaluate appropriate instruction.
  • Become a reflective practitioner and an action researcher.
  • Prepare students for effective leadership roles in school and education institutions.
  • Develop an understanding of the pedagogical processes and critical issues related to teaching-learning.


To create an equitable switch off integrated, response technically superior global manpower who can contribute significant to the advancement of teaching and learning .


  • Be the most preferred university for innovative and interdisciplinary learning.
  • To help student teachers to nurture and develop human activity.
  • inspire curiosity and discovery for success in a rapidly changing world.

Bachelor of Education


PEO1.To enable to comprehend the development in physical, cognitive, social and emotional areas, contemporary issues and educational policies of education system in India, teaching-learning methods, strategies, epistemological basis of education, school management, professional ethics and observation of school activities by school internship.

PEO2.Tounderstand the individual differences among students, measuring the attainment, evaluating progress, and assessing learning abilities, guidance programmes and administering psychological tools, ICT based Communication and teaching and lesson planning.

PEO3.To practice teaching in Schools, inculcate the real experiences of classroom teaching and online teaching for remote areas’ students by using ICT and its different tools and software.

PEO4.To understand the classroom diversities and enable them to deal with diverse learners in inclusive classroom setup, education for human rights and women empowerment, environmental education and developing online content.


At the end of the program, the student:

PSO1 Should be able to clearly understand the concepts and applications in the field ofCommunication / networking, signal processing, embedded systems and semiconductor technology

PSO2 Should be able to associate the learning from the courses related to Microelectronics, Signal processing, Microcomputers, Embedded and Communication Systems to arrive at solutions to real world problems.

PSO3Should have the capability to comprehend the technological advancements in the usage of modern design tools to analyze and design subsystems/processes for a variety of applications.Should possess the skills to communicate in both oral and written forms, demonstrating the practice of professional ethics and the concerns for societal and environmental wellbeing.


PO1- Teaching competency: Know, select and use of learner-centred teaching methods, understanding of paradigm shift in conceptualizing disciplinary knowledge in school curriculum, necessary competencies for organizing learning experiences, select and use of appropriate assessment strategies for facilitating learning.

PO2- Pedagogical skills:Applying teaching skills and dealing with classroom problems.

PO3- Teaching through Nonconventional Modes:: Evolving a system of education which enhances the potential of every learners to acquire, retain and transform knowledge leading to wisdom society through creative, experiential and joyful modes of learning.

PO4- Integration of Artificial Intelligence in Education: Transform the educational landscape by providing open access to quality, value based and socially relevant education to all by harnessing the disruptive potential of AI.

PO5- Critical Thinking:Analysis of Curriculum, construction of blue print, selecting appropriate teaching strategies according to needs of students and conducting action research to solve classroom problems.

PO6- Effective Communication:Presenting seminar before peer students and teachers and practicing communication skills through various linguistic activities and applying it for better classroom communication.

PO7- Sensitivity Towards Inclusion:Identifying the diversities and dealing it in inclusive classrooms environment, guidance and counselling programmes for disabled students.

PO8-ContentAnalysis: Analyse the text-books and syllabus.

PO9- Effective Citizen Ethics: Understand different values, morality, social service and accept responsibility for the society.

PO10- Self-directed Learning: Preparing scripts for seminars, lesson plans and online content.

PO11- Social Resilience: Understand about social entities and enable to tolerate absorb, cope up with adverse conditions of life.

PO12- Physical Development:Practice yoga, self-defence, sports and scouting-guiding. Team Work: Enable to work as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multi-disciplinary settings by following the principles of collaborative learning, cooperative learning and team teaching.



Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) for a Master of Arts (M.A.) program in Education typically outline the career and professional accomplishments that the program aims for its graduates to achieve within a few years after completion. Here's a list of potential PEOs for an M.A. in Education program:

PEO1- Advanced Pedagogical Expertise: Graduates will demonstrate advanced knowledge and skills in educational theory, curriculum development, instructional design, and assessment methodologies.

PEO2- Leadership in Education:Graduates will be equipped to assume leadership roles in educational institutions, government agencies, non-profit organizations, and other educational settings.

PEO3- Continuous Professional Development: Graduates will engage in ongoing professional development to stay abreast of current trends, research, and best practices in the field of education.

PEO4- Effective Communication and Collaboration: Graduates will possess strong communication and collaboration skills, enabling them to work effectively with diverse stakeholders including students, parents, colleagues, and community members.


Program-Specific Outcomes (PSOs) for an M.A. in Education program provide more detailed and specific statements about the knowledge, skills, and abilities that students are expected to acquire by the time they complete the program. Here's a list of potential PSOs for an M.A. in Education program:

PSO1- Pedagogical Mastery: Graduates will demonstrate advanced understanding of educational theories, methodologies, and practices, and apply them effectively in diverse teaching and learning contexts.

PSO2- Curriculum Development and Evaluation: Graduates will be able to design, implement, and evaluate curriculum plans and instructional materials that meet the needs of diverse learners and align with educational standards and objectives.

PSO3- Assessment and Evaluation: Graduates will be proficient in designing and implementing various assessment strategies to measure student learning outcomes, analyze assessment data, and use assessment results to inform instructional decision-making.


Program Outcomes (POs) for an M.A. in Education program describe the overarching goals and expectations for student learning outcomes upon completion of the program. Here's a list of potential program outcomes for an M.A. in Education:

PO1- Demonstrate Advanced Knowledge: Graduates will demonstrate advanced knowledge of educational theories, principles, and practices across various educational domains.

PO2- Apply Pedagogical Skills: Graduates will apply advanced pedagogical skills to design, deliver, and assess effective instruction that meets the diverse needs of learners in different educational settings.

PO3- Conduct Educational Research:Graduates will be able to design and conduct educational research studies, analyze data, and communicate findings effectively to contribute to the scholarship of teaching and learning.

PO4- Lead Educational Initiatives: : Graduates will demonstrate leadership skills necessary to lead educational initiatives, foster collaboration among stakeholders, and advocate for educational equity and improvement.

PO5- Integrate Technology:Graduates will integrate technology effectively into teaching and learning processes to enhance student engagement, promote digital literacy, and improve learning outcomes.

PO6- Promote Equity and Inclusion: Graduates will promote equity and inclusion in education by addressing the diverse needs of students, advocating for social justice, and creating inclusive learning environments.

PO7- Facilitate Professional Development: Graduates will facilitate professional development opportunities for educators, administrators, and other stakeholders to support ongoing growth and improvement in educational practice.

PO8- Engage in Lifelong Learning: Graduates will demonstrate a commitment to lifelong learning and professional growth, seeking out opportunities for continuing education, professional development, and self-reflection.

PO9- Communicate Effectively: Graduates will communicate effectively with diverse stakeholders, including students, parents, colleagues, and community members, using appropriate oral, written, and digital communication strategies.

PO10- Character education: Exploring ways to foster character strengths such as perseverance, gratitude, kindness, and curiosity among students.

PO11- Positive education practices:Learning about strategies and interventions that promote positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning, and accomplishment in schools and classrooms.

PO12- Demonstrate Ethical Practice: Graduates will adhere to ethical principles and professional standards in their educational practice, demonstrating integrity, fairness, and respect for diversity and inclusivity.

These program outcomes serve as a comprehensive framework for assessing the effectiveness of the M.A. in Education program and ensuring that graduates are well-prepared to make meaningful contributions to the field of education.

Master of Education(M. Ed.)


PEO1- To understand the nature of education as a discipline/an area of study.

PEO2-To examine issues related to education as interdisciplinary knowledge and to examine critically the theories and basic concepts of education drawn from various disciplines cognate to education in such a way that their linkages with methods, pedagogy and practices in the classroom could be established.

PEO3-To examine critically the concerns arises from vision of school education and teacher education and also the vision of great educators.

PEO4-To reflect on the multiple contexts in which the school and teacher education institutions are working.


PSO1- To enhance self-learning and improve classroom teaching performance.

PSO2- To perform research in conjunction with others as well as individually.

PSO3-To imbibe effective teaching skills, confidence level, creativity, innovative, rationality with scientific temperament researches.


On successful completion of the two-year M.Ed. programme, scholars will be able to develop-

PSO1- RESEARCH SKILLS: Understand different research methods, Equipping scholars with relevant tools and techniques, Data collection and analysis by using statistical measures, use of conceptual understanding in practical research work and writing a research report.

PSO2- SELF- STUDY: Self-study component helps in self-directed learning as it gives opportunity to student to study in depth about a particular issue and gain knowledge.

PSO3- ANALYTICAL AND INTERPRETATIVE SKILLS:: Enhance the analytical and interpretation skills of data, Scholars are well trained in using statistical measures, softwares (SPSS) (MS EXCEL) etc.

PS04- LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT SKILLS:The course focuses on formulating and implementing leadership and management skills. The course will provide the students with a systematic framework for understanding the school management and its different strategies.

PS05- ENTERPRENEURIAL SKILLS: Understand the concept of entrepreneurship and skill sets of an entrepreneur and develop skills for a business, exploration of different challenges of real life situation.

PS06- DECISION MAKING SKILLS: Enable them to solve various problems of school management and classroom management.

PS07- USE OF TECHNOLOGY: Understand the innovative technology and tools of ICT and their use in teaching learning environment. Use of ICT in esearch perspective, design and develop ICT integrated learning resources, analysis and interpretation of the research data with the help of ICT.

PS08- RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SCHOOL AND SOCIETYUnderstand the social norms and educate the students accordingly and expected change in society through education and values.

PS09- SOCIAL RESILIENCE: Understand about social entities and enable to tolerate absorb, cope up with adverse conditions of life.

PS010- EFFECTIVE CITIZEN ETHICS:Understand different values, morality, social service and accept responsibility for the society.

PS011- ASSESSMENT SKILLS: Identify areas of primary and secondary education assessment, construction of tools, assess syllabi and text book of primary and secondary education.

PS012- STRUCTURING THE CURRICULA:Understand the basis, principles and process of curriculum development at primary and secondary level.


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