Department of Biotechnology


The Department of Biotechnology was founded in 2018 with a vision to make an impact through research and technology based training. The department has research and teaching programme that encompass various basic and applied aspect of modern biotechnology. The department is running undergraduate, postgraduate and Ph.D. programme successfully. A Ph.D. course work of 6 months is mandatory for all doctoral candidates in Ph.D. programme of the department.


To impart knowledge and envisages in learner for applying their minds to develop technologies, which will impact not only science but also for society in long run.To develop outstanding economics and business analysis program that is recognized for excellence in policy making and research


  • To produce leadership in science and technology.
  • Creating awareness about potential application in the field of Biotechnology and socio-ethical implications of the subject.
  • To create a unique image of institution through large scale participation and contribution of students, expert faculties.
  • To prepare responsible trained manpower in teaching and research.
  • To publish high quality research papers in different fields
  • The department will encourage young creative mind to enable them to tap their potential as emerging entrepreneurs in the field of Biotechnology.


PEO1.Bachelor course in biotechnology offers the synergism of basic concepts of biology, biotechnology, molecular biology, genomics, Recombinant DNA technology, microbiology, biochemistry and bioinformatics with technological applications.

PEO2.The main objective of this degree course is to produce graduates with enhanced skills, knowledge and research aptitude to carry out higher studies, entrepreneurship or research and development in the various health, research and industrial areas.

PEO3.Develop proficiency in application of current aspects of biotechnology, molecular biology, Recombinant DNA technology, bioinformatics and genomics.

PEO4.Students will be able to use state of the art techniques relevant to academia and industry, generic skills and global competencies including knowledge and skills that enable the students to undertake further studies in the field of biotechnology, molecular biology, Recombinant DNA technology, genomics, microbiology, biochemistry or any other related field.


PSO1- Critical Thinking: Students will demonstrate an understanding of major concepts in all disciplines of biology, biochemistry, biotechnology microbiology and bioinformatics. Understand the basic concepts, fundamental principles, and the scientific theories related to various scientific phenomena and their relevancies in the day-to-day life.

PSO2 - Environment and Sustainability: Understand the issues of environmental contexts and sustainable development.

PSO3- Self-directed and Lifelong learning Students will be capable of self-paced and self-directed learning aimed at personal development and for improving knowledge/skill development.Follow the ethical principles and responsibilities to serve the society.


PO1- Knowledge and Understanding of: Understand the need and apply knowledge of Biotechnology to solve problems in the areas of Medicine, Agriculture, Fermentation technology, Food processing and Environment, and develop entrepreneurial ideas.

PO2- Intellectual skill:Demonstrate proficiency in basic laboratory skills like preparation of solutions and culture media, handling of equipment, aseptic techniques, micropipetting, maintaining scientific laboratory manuals.

PO3- Practical Skills:Perform, and analyze results of experiments using basic laboratory techniques in molecular biology and recombinant DNA technology, like agarose and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, restriction enzyme digestion, bacterial transformations and PCR, immunology and plant tissue culture.

PO4- Transferable skill: Ability to present their project work through written, oral, and visual presentations.

PO5- Scientific Knowledge: Get an exposure in current scientific literature, computer programs and web information pertaining to Biotechnology.

PO6- Medical approach: understanding the concept of biotechnology, microbiology students will exhibit an ability to work independently and collaboratively.

PO7- Design solution: Design and understand the solution for heal as well as environment problems by using the concepts in Biotechnology and demonstrate interdisciplinary skillsacquired in cell biology, genetics, biochemistry, microbiology and molecularbiology.

PO8- Conduct investigation of complex problems: :Demonstrate the laboratory skills in cell biology, basic and applied microbiologywith an emphasis on technological aspects.

PO9- Design solution: Competent to apply the knowledge and skills gained in the fields of Plantbiotechnology, animal biotechnology and microbial technology in pharma, food,agriculture, beverages, herbal and nutraceutical industries.

PO10- Environment and sustainability: Critically analyze the environmental issues and apply the knowledge gained inbiotechnology for conserving the environment and resolving the problems.

PO11- Modern usage tool: Demonstrate comprehensive innovations and skills in the field of biomolecules, cellbiology molecular biology, bioprocess engineering and genetic engineering ofplants, microbes, and animals with respect to applications for human welfare.Apply knowledge and skills of immunology, bioinformatics, computationalmodelling of proteins, drug design and simulations to test the models and aid indrug discovery.

PO12- Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to environmental ethics and responsibility and norms of the environment and human welfare.


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